Saturday, May 3, 2008

We're From The Internet

Well, State College, PA, just got a little more enturbulated. ?/0 and I (H-20-66) finished a raid downtown. at 1 pm today. I'm glad we finished when we did, considering it's raining now.

Background info was done and paperwork was filled out this past week (YAY NOVICE ORGANIZER), and we met this morning at the Creamery on the Penn State Campus. ?/0 had his V mask, hat and cape, and looked friggin' awesome; I had my PSU baseball cap and a bandanna and looked like I just stepped out from the tinfoil hat crowd... But anyway...

We unfurled our signs in front of the Pattee Library and walked down to the gates at 11; ?/0 passed out a few flyers and even gave out a free hug or two. Once we got down to the gates, we started passing out lots of flyers and talking to people. Most people seemed willing to listen; but a lot still turned down flyers. I had a few long conversations with people-and most were about the masks! We had to have handed out more than 100 flyers, maybe even as many as 150, and we got at least 50 honks from passing cars.

A note about the honkers: we did get a semi to honk, and one guy in a pickup truck came by with a diesel locomotive (no, not Venusian) airhorn! Damned if that wasn't loud! ?/0 later mentioned that he did a double-take at that point, wondering where the train was!

A couple odd people came up to us during our picket; ?/0 talked to a guy who seemed like one of the tinfoil-hat crowd, talking about mind control using microchips.

Before that, I was accosted by a dude who came RIGHT UP to me and kept asking me "Who is your God?" and asking us to "declare our Lord and Savior". At first my bullbaiting alarm went off and I just stalled; but we eventually figured him out and I did say that we were there against Scientology only, and spreading his good news was his job. I fear I might have been harsh to say so. If you're reading this, Ecstatic Christian Dude, I didn't mean to offend you; I was just trying to Stay On Target.

I think we did a pretty good job of getting the message out in town, the 10th was foreshadowed, and we really ought to do this again.


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